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How to contact us

Go to our contact form

Useful Information

Accessing our service
You can contact an adviser through Citizens Advice national phone service. They can always refer you directly to us, if you need local support.
Adviceline (England): 0800 144 8848
Relay UK - if you can't hear or speak on the phone, typewhat you want to say: 18001 then the Adviceline number. 

You can also find information at or chat online to an adviser at 

If you would like debt or benefits advice, you can contact us via our contact form: 

If you require a food voucher, you can contact The Help through Hardship helpline (a free phone service delivered in partnership between Trussell Trust and Citizens Advice) on 0808 208 2138 

If you have received a migration letter inviting you to claim Universal Credit, please contact our free Help to Claim phone service on 0800 144 8 444
You can also chat to an adviser online via

If you would prefer to visit us in person, we are open for Drop In (9 LinthorpeRoad, TS1 1RE):
Monday: 10am - 12pm
Tuesday: Not Open for Drop Ins
Wednesday: 10am - 12pm
Thursday: Not Open for Drop Ins
Friday: 10am - 12pm
Postal Address
Citizens Advice Middlesbrough
3 Bolckow Street
Leaving Feedback
To leave feedback on the service you have received at Citizens Advice Middlesbrough please visit our Feedback Form page.

Send an enquiry

Please note, the enquiry form is for benefits and debt enquiries only.
For advice on any other issue, please drop in and see us, or call national Citizens Advice Adviceline on 0800 144 8848.

You can also find advice at

To leave feedback on the service you have received at Citizens Advice Middlesbrough please visit our Feedback Form page.

Send an enquiry

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